I know you don’t have time to read a long post, but not this!
Maybe you have been thinking that your business is small. Maybe you have been thinking  that you are not making enough money yet.
Or, maybe you think that it would be difficult for you to grow.
But, I want to ask you a question. I want you to be very sincere with the answer you give to this question.
Here is the question I want you to ask yourself “WHAT IF YOU DIDN’T START YOUR BUSINESS?”

Do you know the number of people your business has helped to solve their problems?
Do you know how much your business has generated since inception?
Do you also know how that that tiny salary of 20k, 30k, 50k per month you paid your staff saved him from hunger strike and kept his brain functional?
Do you that without what you are doing, some people would have lost hope in life?
That 2k, 5k, 10k.. that you send to Mumsy or Popsy once a while, do you know how much it means to them?

Do you know that in a country as difficult as ours, your business has been one of the major reasons why you are still sane?
When next you want to think of why you should give up, remember what life would have been like 1, 2, 3, 5 years ago if you gave up.
Profit in business is not only traceable to your bank account. Profit lives in people.
No matter the stage you are now, your business has the potential for growth.

Keep Believing! Keep Learning! Keep Implementing!

Your AHA! moment will soon arrive.

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