When I started my #sales journey, I made a lot of mistakes.

One of them was trying to prove a point to my customers.

When customers tell me that my price was high, I would argue with them.

I wanted to always prove a point that both my price and quality is within a considerable range.

Guess What?

I lost most of the sales. You can never win an argument with your prospects/customers.

You should just appeal to their sense of feeling and you will activate and secret a buying hormone.

Every human has the left brain and the right brain.

This is biologically referred to as the cerebral hemisphere.

The left brain is logical in its functionalities.

That is language and numbers. It is highly cognitive.

Relationship experts say men have left brain while women have right brain.

The right brain plays host to emotions.

It is at the right brain that most sales decisions take place.

80% of the time, people buy based on emotions, not logic.

We buy shoes because they are nice not because we need them.

A lot of people buy cars just to belong to a particular social class.

The last cloth you bought was not because you didn’t have cloth.

It’s simply because you saw it and liked it.

Even the house you’re living in now was not built for shelter alone.

You spent more money furnishing it than the money you spent on building it just to maintain a particular feel.

You are in it to satisfy your taste and ego (nothing bad about it too).

Because the right brain thrives on emotions, it is enhanced by storytelling.

As a #salesman, your ad copy, pitch, and presentation must be infused in a story form.

One person that has mastered the art of storytelling in presentations is Steve Jobs.

When he presented the first #MacBook, he simply described it as ‘The World in an Envelope.’

In your sales discussions, give 20% attention to the left brain and 80% to the right #brain.

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