• Take Charge of your sales

    Let me help you close your next big deal

  • No Stories


  • The sales guru

    I have helped over 200 business owners close 8 figures in sales

  • Over 500,000,000 naira generated.

    I am the king of CASH INFLOW!

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What I Do

A brilliant sales and marketing coach. I have helped over 200 business owners close 6-8 figures in sales.

I Speak.

If you are looking for the right speaker with the right experience and flare to wow your audience, I am the one.

I Consult.

If you want to set up your marketing department, increase your sales team’s performance and jack up your sales, I am here to help you.

I Write.

I have written two books so far. Beyond books, I help companies and individuals to create compelling sales letters that turn strangers into customers.

I Mentor

I can mentor you to achieve unimaginable personal and business results. No stories! Just You and I with results.

I Speak.

If you are looking for the right speaker with the right experience and flare to wow your audience, I am the one.

I Consult.

If you want to set up your marketing department, increase your sales team’s performance and jack up your sales, I am here to help you.

I Write.

I have written two books so far. Beyond books, I help companies and individuals to create compelling sales letters that turn strangers into customers.

I Mentor

I can mentor you to achieve unimaginable personal and business results. No stories! Just You and I with results.

"Impossibility exists only in the minds of some people. In reality, there is nothing like impossibility"

The Sales Guru

I Want To Help You.

I am the best person to help you. That is why people call me The Sales Guru. I don’t do the gibberish and jargon that a lot of amateurs teach. I teach what you can apply and obtain results same day!

About Me

Udochukwu Chikwendu also known as The Sales Guru, is a leading sales and marketing coach and business consultant. He is the convener of SALES MASTERCLASS where he teaches business owners practical strategies for high sales closing.

He had his first degree at Federal University of Technology Owerri, where he studied Environmental Technology and graduated as the top 1% in his class. He has certificates brand management, sales and marketing ranging from negotiation, sales closing, communication, pitching, etc.

His career spans across education, oil and gas and public sectors. He started his entrepreneurship journey in the education sector because of his strong passion for education. After graduation from college, he founded www.tiptutors.com, a private, academic tutoring firm. He has built this company from scratch until its recent 25-staff strength.

Move from zero to 6-7 figures in one week

A 7-day training program for SME’s, Sales Reps & Executives.

Get my e-book; HOW TO TURN STRANGERS TO BUYERS FOR FREE when you register for the next Sell from Scratch Class


I can mentor you for one day, one month, one year or more to help you achieve unimaginable personal and business results. It’s results or nothing!

No Stories, Just You and I with Results!

Enjoy the rare privilege of having me to mentor you personally because your growth must10X when I mentor you. Get your money fully refunded if you don’t get crazy results in the first 30 days.

Why Hire Me?

You, your company and your team need me to smash that dream sales you have. Pay me after delivery.

What do people say?

Testimonials from the people who have experienced The Sales Guru.

"You may lose a sale. But, never lose leaving a wowing impression in the mind of the prospects."

The Sales Guru

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Money Generated
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Let Me Help you

I am the best person to help you. That is why people call me The Sales Guru. I don’t do the gibberish and jargon that a lot of amateurs teach. I teach what you can apply and obtain results same day!

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